St Mark's Food Club serving Preston and Tattenhams
The food club is held on Fridays from 1.30 pm to 3 pm at the church. Food clubs support residents experiencing financial hardship with access to food and basic supplies. They can help provide a sustainable solution to food poverty and reduce the number of people needing to use emergency food banks on a long-term basis. Working with charitable food distributors FareShare, a number of Food Clubs have been set up in the borough.
Alongside the Food Club we also run a Warm Welcome venue supported by Surrey County Council. The Warm Welcome is open on Fridays from 11 am to 3 pm and offers hot drinks and toast as well as a place to socialise.
St Mark's Food Club is open to Preston and Tattenhams residents who need to save on their household spending due to low income or temporary financial difficulties. The club is open to self-refer, but you will need to complete an application form on your first visit.
A years membership costs £1 and then £2 per weekly visit, which will give access to food valued between £10-£14. Food will include fresh fruit and vegetables, subject to availability.
Any enquiries or for further information please contact: Maria Hewson, Community Development Worker for Preston. or phone 07854 171376
Currently the Food Club needs
Peanut Butter | Chocolate spread | Jam & Marmalade |
Cereal | Long Life Milk | Tinned vegetables |
Baked Beans | Tinned meat | Tinned tomatoes |
Deoderant | Shampoo | Sanitary products |
Any donations can be brought to the church on Fridays between 11 am and 1 pm or to the church on Sunday morning.