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Upcoming Events
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We are always delighted to welcome newcomers to St. Mark's and we hope you will feel at home. We have a range of church services and midweek activities to which all are welcome. Our church 'family' includes people of all ages and backgrounds, with a variety of Christian experience and understanding. We are in the mainstream of Christian thought and practice, believing that the Bible is the basis for our faith and living, but also explaining and developing this faith. We invite you to share in the life of our church and our vision for the future.
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Latest articles
Advent Day 24 - Christmas Eve Prayer
Community Garden Open Day
Thought for the month - October
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At The United Church of St Mark we take the protection of the children and vulnerable adults in our care very seriously.
You can find out more about Safeguarding here.
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St Mark's is a member of the Inclusive Church network of churches; groups and individuals uniting together around a shared vision:"We believe in inclusive Church - a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
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We are grateful for giving at St Mark's which enables us to do everything we do. Click here for how you can give to St Mark's.
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